WB8RCR's QSL Maker questions & answers

Choose the most popular programs from Design & Photo software
Question by DL8VKO
September 29, 2015
  1. Some of the background photos I use are fine, while others have problems with colors. Is there any guide to fix this anomaly?

  2. In some photos the program "squashes" the lighthouse. What to do with the photos made with QSL Maker?

Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

The colors come out wrong when you use different images because they use additional colors than the supported ones. By default, the software supports BMP file format, but you convert a PNG to BMP, the result might not be the same because of color depth. Try using images that have a low color depth and the program will display them correctly.

You need to adjust the dimensions of the photo you're adding, because the application doesn't know how to fit the image properly. Simply resize the picture to fit the area and it should appear normally.

You can use an application like XnView to resize the pictures.

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Trusted QSL

Includes libraries to support using digital signatures for Amateur radio QSL

Patch Maker

Create update patches for existing applications.

Thumb Maker

It is wonderful tool and specially used for resizing the images of your need.